The 16th episode of Big Brother Canada started off with the end of the nomination ceremony, when Andrew nominated both members of the Secret Wedding alliance, Topaz and Gary.

Then it showed Topaz and Gary talking about Topaz's short-lived HoH experience and Topaz saying that now that her and Alec are over, Gary is the only person she can trust in the house with Gary saying in the DR that she has went from the very top to the very bottom. Either way, it looks like whoever is ever is evicted, one of them will be going after Andrew looking for revenge, unless one of them win PoV.

Alec then said in the HoH room that she is manipulating people and started to throw her under the bus. His worst nightmare is if one of them win PoV and the other to stay and one of them win HoH the next week.

Talla then said in the DR, that she needs to figure out her true alliances and who has her back, then in a conversation with Peter she may have just became a victim to be of The Shield. Andrew then said in the DR that he can trust Peter and Alec as far as he can throw them and then said to Emmett that he would prefer himself, Emmett and Jillian in the final 3.

After the break it cut to Andrew talking about how much he misses AJ and how he feels more lonely. He even had dinner with a picture of AJ and of course Talla found it cute.

After this it was time to pick players for the PoV and of course Andrew wanted Emmett and Jillian to be picked. The players picked were:
  • Alec (picked by Andrew)
  • Talla (picked by Topaz)
  • Peter (picked by Gary)
The host of the competition was Jillian.

The next minute the house blacks out and sounds a large screaming noise and yes, Talla did get VERY scared. The new PoV competiton was called "Build-A-Demon" and was inspired by a movie named "Evil Dead". To win the competiton the players had to build a demon with the body parts in the mud, get one piece at a time, put the head on last and the best part, the players had to be blindfolded and tethered by a rope. The winner would also get a screening of the "Evil Dead" movie.

Peter described the mud as very cold and that there was freezing cold water falling onto them. Alec also said in the DR that it was a very difficult competition. Gary said in the DR that his strategy was to get the torso first as it seems like it would be the heaviest and hardest piece to get. Talla thought she had a torso but sadly, it was a part of the mud that she had picked up, bless her.

Jillian then announced that Gary and Andrew are in the lead. Then revealed that Gary had the wrong arm. Then it was announced that Andrew has won the PoV, Andrew has an all power week and by the looks of it, Topaz and Gary are staying on the block. Gary then said in the DR that Andrew's head will get bigger. The Andrew got to pick two houseguests to join him in the screening of "Evil Dead" and he picked Talla and Jillian.

Andrew and Emmett then had a conversation about their alliance saying that they should bring Talla into their alliance. Emmett then took Jillian in the bathroom and started talking about how they need to get Talla into their alliance and how Jillian needs to get close to Talla.

It then all kicked off between Talla and Gary with Gary even getting in Talla's face about each others attitude. Gary may have just made a wrong move and this may have Topaz more votes to stay this week. It seems that Talla and Gary are no longer friends for the remainder of their stay in the house together.

Then came the new "Evil Dead" screening for Andrew, Talla and Jillian in the garden (yes, I am jealous) and lets just be honest, I think that Talla may have nightmares for the remainder of her life. Andrew then said in the DR that Talla sitting beside him was defiantly ear piercing and I think that when Talla said that she is sleeping with both eyes open, she meant it.

Alec then thought that it was a good idea to scare Talla in the middle of the night so she decided to go into Alec's bed. Then it kicked off between Alec, Topaz and Talla and Topaz even calling Talla a "slut". Topaz was defiantly jealous and she admitted it because she had "genuine feelings" for Alec. Yes, the girls made up after a nice chat in the garden shortly after.

It then came to the PoV ceremony meaning that Andrew had the option to keep his nominations the same, use the PoV on Gary or use it on Topaz. The nominees gave their speeches as to why the veto should be used on them and Andrew made his decision to not use the PoV and keep his nominations the same meaning that one member of the Secret Wedding alliance will be going home this week.

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