Episode 4 started off with Danielle being safe and the end of the nomination ceremony when the HoH, Jillian, nominated Gary and Aneal. Gary said that he knew she would put him up.

After the nomination ceremony Jillian and Aneal went to the HoH room and Aneal had brought up the fact that Jillian had said that she would not nominate him and that she would make her own nominations. During the conversation Aneal had pulled out some tears saying in a DR session that they were not real. With Jillian in a DR session saying that he made her feel small.

It seemed that Jillian was not the only person he tricked into thinking he was so upset about it by crying to most of the other houseguests saying that he was using their emotions to get pity votes. In a DR session, Danielle said that Aneal talks a lot of sh*t. In the store room it seemed that Aneal started to pull the crying trick on Emmett saying that he felt betrayed. Emmett had said in a DR session that he felt bad but not really and that he couldn't stop laughing. Aneal also compared Jillian to DR Will Kirby.

It then went to a clip of Danielle saying that she thinks Jillian is sneakier than everyone thinks she is and that she has a fake personality in the house. It then went to a clip of Gary looking for his veil to put over his hat, saying in a DR session that Jillian has put an even bigger target on his back and letting everyone know that he is the... Best player to play Big Brother Canada?

After that it came to a clip of the Emmett and Jillian showmance/relationship with Liza saying in the DR that before Jillian won HoH they only really liked each other from "afar", stating that they are now inseparable. After that it showed another DR session with Danielle saying that she thinks it has gone far beyond a showmance as they are hugging each other and with each other all the time. Liza then saying that they are "overnight cuddle buddies", but as always Tom has got something to say about it saying that they are at the "Honeymoon stage" where they are cute, together and sleeping in each others beds. As always he has something to say, saying that he doesn't want Jillian and that he wants to know that it is just "you and me" (Emmett and Tom).

Aneal then had a DR session pointing out the showmances of the season, Alec and Topaz, Jillian and Emmett and an "undercover" showmance, Liza and Tom. Liza then saying that Tom is cute, sweet and he has big arms and smells nice. Tom then saying that Liza is the only person in the house that he can truly talk to and that he adores her strategy but his true allegiance in the game is to Emmett.

After that a new voice to the Big Brother game appeared and guess what it is the moose outside the diary room (see picture above). The moose's name? Marsha The Moose. Marsha The Moose's first victim of the series was non other than Peter. Marsha The Moose started off by starting an ordinary conversation and then giving him a secret task saying that if he tells anyone about it he will be punished... For realsies.

The secret task you ask? Well there were some cards with quotes on them in the DR and he had to say them to three different houseguests and work them into conversation, as if he had came up with them on his own. The only thing was that he had to keep the cards in the DR meaning that he had to memorize them or pop into the DR every now and then if he had forgotten them. If the houseguests say "What are you talking about?" then Peter failed his secret task and would not get a great reward.

The first quote was "I'm developing a rash in a really awkward place." and for this quote Peter had chosen Talla as she is on slop with him and he could try and talk her into thinking that the slop is really messing with him. In a DR session with Talla she said that when a guy says awkward spot she normally thinks the groin area. He passed on the first quote.

The second quote was "A woman knows the face of the man she loves as a sailor knows the open sea." and for this quote Peter chose Liza because she is in a "triangle showmance" with Andrew and Tom. In a DR session Liza said that she thought that he was insinuating that she likes Tom more than Andrew or maybe that she should stick with him for strategy reasons. He passed on the second quote.

The final quote was "The fool doth think he is wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool." and for this quote Peter chose AJ at first because they talk about pro-wrestling and he could try and get it into the conversation but he kind of forgot the quote. So he went back to the DR and Marsha The Moose pulled him up about it saying that he must say it like it is his own, but as a nice moose Marsha gave him a second chance cute, right? Peter chose to join in on a conversation in the hot tub about poker. Andrew said once Peter had left that he thought he called him a fool. He passed on the third and final quote. Peter passed his secret task but had to keep it secret until further notice, winning an award for himself and the other houseguests.

It was now time for the PoV competition and starting off with picking the players. The houseguests playing in the PoV competition were:
- Jillian (HoH)
- Gary (Nominee)
- Aneal (Nominee)
- AJ (Randomly selected)
- Peter (Randomly selected)
- Danielle (Randomly selected)

The PoV competition was called "Oh Snow You Didn't" and the players in this competition had to throw snow balls to know down snowmen and the first houseguest to knock all six down won the PoV competition. Not only did they have to do that but the throw only counted if they were balancing on a thin piece of wood. The winner of the PoV was Gary meaning that it was obvious that someone new would be up on the block.

At the PoV ceremony, Gary had used the PoV on himself meaning that the HoH, Jillian, had to nominate a new replacement. Nobody really knew who Jillian was going to nominate but she nominated Danielle. So now Danielle and Aneal are up for eviction.

As it was revealed earlier, Peter had won his secret task and what did he win you ask? He won a hot tub part as voted by the Canadian public and yes even the have-nots could join in on this party. Don't say that Big Brother is always evil.

What do you think about the Emmett/Jillian showmance? Do you think that Tom is worried about them? Are you excited to see more of Marsha The Moose? Did Jillian make the correct choice on replacement nominee? Who will be evicted? Comment below or tweet us at @BigBrotherNerds

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