This week Tom became the third HoH of the series and as HoH he had to nominate two houesguests. It was no surprise about who he nominated as he was planning on nominating them since week 1. Yes, he nominated Suzette and Gary.

This meaning that both Gary and Suzette would have a chance to take themselves off the chopping block and save themselves for at least another week.

The houseguests that played in the PoV competition were:
- Tom (HoH)
- Gary (Nominee)
- Suzette (Nominee)
- Aneal (Randomly Picked)
- Talla (Randomly Picked)
- Liza (Randomly Picked)

The winner of the competition was Tom who then had the chance to use the PoV or to not use it. In the PoV ceremony, Tom had decided to use the PoV to save Gary and nominate AJ. Is he planning on getting AJ out the house? Comment below or tweet us at @BigBrotherNerds