Tom became the fourth houseguest evicted on day 29.
Liza became the fifth houseguest evicted on day 29.
On day 29 of the first every season of Big Brother Canada, the first ever double eviction of the season happened and what took place you ask? Well, Gary got his wish and Tom became the first of the two houseguests evicted from the game and then shortly after Andrew became the new HoH meaning that he only had the time period of a commercial break to decide his nominees, deciding Liza and Suzette. Emmett then went ahead to win the PoV and to keep the nominations the same. Shortly after Emmett got is wish of Liza being evicted after she became the second houseguest to be evicted.


The next day the houseguests played in a HoH competition to see who the sixth HoH will be and who won the competition you ask? Alec. This meaning that The Shield will have even more power after getting two of the houseguests they wanted out most evicted.

Come back soon to find out who Alec will nominate and vote for your favorite houseguest here.

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